"It is easy to diminuish christmas to humbug and ignore it. It's all the more difficult to invite the old lady on the second floor, the newly arrived immigrant family, the teenager and the single mother. To dare despite the fear and the awkwardness of intruding, overcoming 'political correctness', finding the courage to open one's door for the old and the young, friends and acquaintances, people who suffer from loneliness and alienation, natives and newly arrived....

Whom will I see this christmas? Santa Claus or Jesus? Uncle Scrooge reflected in my mirror? Or can I reach out and see the real people around me?

Some people find this kind of celebration funny. I've found it to be great fun when you dare to make it your own."

Louise Boije af Gennäs is a Swedish author who wrote this as part of an article in Sköna hem, December 1996, p. 57.

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