More often than not, the things you crave are the things you never knew you would miss. A wide selection of Swedish knäckebröd (crisp bread) is one of those things for me. Apparently the mere availability isn't enough, it's variety that counts! I can "only" find about seven flavours from one brand only and as it turns out, that is much too few. This one has me drooling at the thought: sourdough crisp bread from Leksands knäckebröd. Mmmmm. 

1 kommentar:

Sissel sa...

Jag vet ett ännu godare knäcke: http://pyramidbrod.se/bageriet/vaart-sortiment/pyramid/surdegsknaecke-med-bockhornskloever/
Det är bara det som gäller för mig sedan några månader tillbaks.

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