Mugg 50 cl Ros/rosa Swedish Grace

Since I'm an herbal tea drinker of extraordinary proportions, I usually have a tea mug, ehm, make that a few forgotten tea mugs, placed around the house. Since this has been the season of insane colds my husband has taken to hot honey and ginger concoctions, resulting in a frequent " is this yours or mine" interrogations as we find white mugs around the house. This year I'll add a pink one to our Swedish Grace accumulations that will be all mine. 

2 kommentarer:

Anja Olergård sa...

Fick några såna i beige av min bror i julklapp i år. De skapade stor lycka hos mottagaren!

AL sa...

Ja, jag är väldigt picky med muggar, med dessa har rätt storlek och är balanserade. Grattis brorsan till den perfekta julklappen!

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